“Master of Rods and Strings” to be published by Vernacular Books 2021

“Master of Rods and Strings” to be published by Vernacular Books 2021

My novella regarding the young French puppeteer who seeks to become a master of occult puppetry will be published around July 2021 by Vernacular Books.

I’ll be doing a reading with other Vernacular Books writers October 29th at 7:30 CST on Zoom. Details here:
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82973807027
More on reading event from Vernacular Books: https://vernacularbooks.com/2020/10/09/zoom-halloween-party-on-thursday-october-29/

In addition, I will also be reading from “Master of Rods and Strings” on the previous night (Wednesday October 28th) at 4:30 PM CDT – 6:30 PM CDT via Texas A&M University’s Big LAAH reading series--Facebook Live:

See here for the publishing announcement: https://vernacularbooks.com/2020/09/14/vernacular-books-to-publish-master-of-rods-and-strings-by-jason-marc-harris-in-july-of-2020/

Sorrow, Joys, and Writing

The sorrow is that my father died last April. His work remains available: http://stephenharrisauthor.com

The joys are my children: Amaya has joined Isaac in the baby brigade.

New writing has emerged in several recent publications:

1. My short story “What You Know and What You Don’t” was an honorable mention in The Saturday Evening Post’s Great American Fiction Contest for 2020: the story is available in The Saturday Evening Post’s annual anthology of top entries.

2. Another short story “The Nowhere Place” was published in the anthology Horror USA: California published by Soteira Press in late 2019.

3. A third story “Men of Integrity” was also published the end of 2019–in Pennsylvania Literary Journal. vol. 11. issue 3.

4. Earlier in Fall 2019 Writing Texas published a satirical tale I wrote called “Succulent Ribs.”

Autumnal Updates 2018

  1. Glad to have my story “Grandfather Rat” in Marvels and Tales, the  Trickster Issue
  2. Pleased that “The Cant of Winds” was published in Writing Texas Volume 5
  3. Grateful to recently learn that my poem, “To Watch The World Burn,” was nominated for “Best of the Net” and a Pushcart Prize by Abyss and Apex.
  4. Read a brand new story, “Succulent Ribs” at the Texas Association of Writing Teachers Conference back on September 29th in San Antonio, TX
  5. Now,  something serious: one of my students needs help.  Please read here about the struggle with cancer that Steven Anderson is facing and see his Go Fund Me Page

AWP Tampa & Black Box Speaks 2018

1. Currently at AWP in Tampa.  Organized a panel for Friday at 12PM(Re)Writing the Right Words: Revision Pedagogy. Has a great group of people (John Dufresne, John Lavelle, Gabriel Scalia, Susan Stabile) focusing on revision techniques to teach students.

2. Had a dedicated group of students read poetry and prose this last weekend in Bryan as the culmination of Texas A&M’s BlackBox Writers’ Residency, where Mick White, Flo Davies, and I worked with their drafts on revision as well as generation.  Visiting writers–Roger Reeves and Christine Granados also helped the students and then performed as well: