Merry Writer Podcast broadcast September 4th! (updated, now links to recordings available!)
I’m glad to have had the opportunity to be on the Merry Writer Podcast, which broadcast on September 4th 10AM EDT/9AM CDT/ 8AM PDT–recordings are now available!
Have you ever thought about going to school for creative writing? This week, Jason Harris joins us to discuss what getting a creative writing degree may look like.
In this episode, we cover:
- Benefits of having a creative writing degree
- Typical lesson plans for a creative writing class
- How creative assignments may be graded
- Exercises you can do at home
PodBean recording now available!
YouTube Also Now Available!

Master of Rods and Strings January 12th 2024 Launch!
Launch day for Master of Rods and Strings from Crystal Lake Publishing!
Video of reading the opening pages of Master of Rods and Strings!
Thanks to Steve Pattee over at Horror DNA for the opportunity to share “Five Obsessively Ambitious and Wildly Vengeful Protagonists.”
And here is an interview about the writing of the book. Thanks to Rick Hipson and his new column “What Screams May Come” at Cemetery Dance.

Master of Rods and Strings: Preorders Coming Soon!
Keep up with the latest news from Crystal Lake Publishing! Book comes out Jan 12th, 2024.

Cover Reveal for Master of Rods and Strings 2024!