Autumnal Updates
October 23, 2016 |
- Enjoying a productive semester at Texas A&M University teaching creative writing and world folklore/cultures/literature.
- Got promoted to Instructional Assistant Professor.
- Psychopomp Magazine included my story, “The Handle,” for their July 2016 issue, which can still be read here:
- Busy at work revising novel after the helpful input from the Taos Writers’ Conference, which took place in Santa Fe this last July. John Dufresne taught the Master’s Class focusing on novel revision.
- Read with one of my students a couple days ago as part of the BIG LAAH Reading: we both shared excerpts from our novellas.

- That is a picture of a couple of my puppets who attended the reading.
- One of my colleagues at Texas A&M (and a Bowling Green State University MFA alumna!), Gabriel Scala will be reading her poetry in the next installment of the BIG LAAH series: catch her on Thursday, November 17th at 4:00 PM in the LAAH building, room 453. And check out her webpage here:
Revisions are going to take a while!
Still editing!