8-3-14 Story Published & Texas-Bound

Heading down to Bryan, TX to work at TAMU in College Station.  Meanwhile, Toledo, Ohio is dealing with Aquapocalypse.  Luckily, Bowling Green was not affected and no one is known to actually have become sick from the algae plague of Lake Erie–partly a problem from fertilizer run-off that contains phosphorous.
Anyhow, here’ s a story, “To Crawl Through Stars,” recently published that developed from a draft I wrote as a First-Year MFA student at BGSU in 2012–Cheap Pop publishes new work every Tuesday and Thursday.

Couple Updates as of 5-25-14

#1 Graduated from Bowling Green State University’s MFA program in Fiction Writing.

#2 Back in the Fall of 2013, new short story came out that I wrote, “Song of Frogs.” Meat for Tea: The Valley Journal 7.3 (“Bone” Fall 2013). Meat for Tea can be ordered here: http://www.meatfortea.com/buy.htm

Good Time to All

Good Time to All

This is the webpage of Jason Marc Harris: howdy!  I have recently resigned my  position as Associate Professor at the Florida Institute of Technology and am now a graduate student at Bowling Green State University in the MFA program for Creative   Writing–fiction in particular. I am active in a variety  of writing projects, from critical  books to novels, short stories, screenplays (including time-travel, the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 (well, change the date, and as good as new), folklore of the British Isles, remote-viewing etc.), video game design, and comic books. See loglines below. I’m always interested in new creative projects–including collaborations–so get in touch!

Please browse the wares and consider buying something, using the links to ashgate.com, amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com. Don’t forget to say hello when  you stop by!
[email protected]

News as of 4-16-13: Interview posted at Midwestern Gothic: Click here for interview. My story “Fridge Monitor” is part of Issue 9 (Spring issue 2013).

Parsec Awards 2013 Finalist!
Birke Duncan’s Short Story “A Janitor’s Territory” is available as a radio play! It is also a Finalist for the Parsec Award! Available for listening right here. Click below!

Another Parsec Finalist! Birke Duncan’s radio play, “My Script is MUD”! Available right here! Click to play!

Other Recent News…

Other Recent News…

Other Recent News: The Adventures of Monty Moudlyn (directed by Zach Hibbard and produced by Eric Emerick) for which I cowrote the screenplay with Birke Duncan was accepted to the Melbourne, Florida Independent Film Festival. It screened September 10th, 2011 at the Premier Theater: Oaks Stadium 10. Currently you can see the film here.

Folklore and the Fantastic in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction by Jason Marc HarrisFolklore and the Fantastic in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction by Jason Marc Harris

The Troll Tale and Other Scary Stories by Birke Duncan and Jason Marc HarrisThe Troll Tale and Other Scary Stories by Birke Duncan and Jason Marc Harris

Laugh without Guilt: A Clean Joke Book by Birke Duncan and Jason Marc HarrisLaugh without Guilt: A Clean Joke Book by Birke Duncan and Jason Marc Harris



Listen to a commercial here:

The Master of Ballantrae by Robert Louis Stevenson with Introduction by Jason Marc HarrisThe Master of Ballantrae by Robert Louis Stevenson with Introduction by Jason Marc Harris

2010 News…

* News as of 2-12-10: Here are two radio plays that I was a creative
consultant for. They have already been tested by the airways, and I
think you’ll enjoy the humor and    horror contained in each
respectively. Both are available for purchase at amazon.com:

Monty Moudlyn, Founder of the Hug Brigade
Monty Moudlyn disappeared shortly after founding a peace  organization called the Hug Brigade. Learn the fragments  of his most extraordinary and humorous autobiography. Listen to the commercials right here, click below:

Riders of the Three-Toed Horse
Geologist Elias Ullstrom discovers there is evil hidden in Agate County’s back canyons. Learn what he discovers and how he tries to confront the horror that faces him. Listen to the commercials below: